Katherine Hanrahan

For studying advice, exam preparation and more, Katherine is our expert! Read blogs my Katherine if you're in need of study and revision tips.

Recent Posts

How important are GCSEs?

It can be hard to think further than school or college when you're a young person. In this blog, we'll talk you through how GCSEs can inform your next steps and why they could be the jumping-off point for your future. In this blog, we’ve explained just how important GCSE grades are. And the options...

2 min read

Unibuddy | Find out what university is really like

Choosing the right university – whether you’re hoping to do an undergraduate degree or want to go on to postgraduate study – can be tough. Deciding where to go and what to study can take months of research and careful thought and, with so much information available, you can end up feeling a little...

2 min read

Sixth form or college?

In the UK there are three types of institutions that provide further education. These are school sixth forms, sixth form colleges, and further education colleges. If you've finished your GCSEs and you want to move into further education, the good news is there are plenty of options available to...

3 min read

AS Levels: what are they and how do they work?

AS Levels were last overhauled by the government in 2015 and have been decreasing in popularity with students and schools ever since, so is it still worth taking AS Level exams, and how are they different to A Level qualifications?

3 min read

Discover your revision personality type

Are you a wordsmith, a socialite, or a crammer? Discover your revision personality type and what it says about you. We all know that revision is essential for exam prep, but how do you actually do it? What revision methods do you use? Even though you and your friends might be revising the exact...

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5 things to do this summer to prep for Year 13

Discover our top 5 things to do to make the most of this summer and be in the best place to prep for Year 13 when September begins.

2 min read

How to revise | Study tips that really work

Make the most of revision time and ace those exams with our step-by-step guide on how to improve concentration, revise effectively, and create a revision timetable that works.

3 min read