Judith Charlton

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How to reassure your child during Clearing | Clearing support

Thousands of students successfully apply to universities every year through Clearing, but how does it work and how can you support your child through this process? Contents: Who is eligible to use Clearing? What happens if my child doesn't get the grades they need? How to prepare for Results Day Be...

3 min read

Student Finance | Help your child with budgeting for university

Part of the university experience for your child is learning how to live independently, pay their bills, and manage their money. So, how can you support your child to become money-savvy, particularly during this cost of living crisis? If they need financial support, what's available, and if you're...

5 min read

5 tips for getting the most out of a virtual Open Day

Many prospective students are well versed on the ins and outs of ‘traditional’ university Open Days: what to expect, whether to bring parents, things to ask. But, how can you make the most of a virtual Open Day?

3 min read

5 ways to get to know your flatmates

Living with flatmates is a new experience for most at university. But those you live with may just become some of the most important people in your university journey! Here are Combined Honours student Caitlin's top 5 ways to get to know your flatmates:

1 min read

What life skills do students develop at university? | A guide for parents

Studying for a degree is a huge investment, but it doesn't just culminate in a qualification for your child. With all the hard work comes a myriad of transferable skills that will see them go on to excel in the professional world.

2 min read

Surviving Open Days | Top tips for parents

A university Open Day is a chance for soon-to-be-students and their parents to find out what it's like to study at university, explore the campus experience, accommodation, student support and more. There’s a lot on offer at an Open Day - whether it's an on-campus or virtual event - so, we've...

2 min read

How universities look after students | A guide for parents

It’s a difficult thing to wave goodbye to your child as they head off to university and their next big adventure. This might be the first time they’ve had to live independently, cook their own meals, or travel to and from a city far from home. How can you be sure they’ll be happy, healthy, and...

2 min read

What is student accommodation really like? | A guide for parents

Student accommodation will be your child's home away from home; a place where they meet their first university friends, learn to do their own laundry, and experiment with cooking some of their own 'signature' dishes. University accommodation is a welcoming community where students can grow and...

3 min read

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