Think you know what to expect when you go to university? Take a look at some of the things you can do and get involved in during your time with us...you might be surprised!
- Part-time work
- Starting a business
- Teetotal activities
- Societies
- Media experience
- Location
Part-time work
'Newcastle Uni offers employment opportunities while allowing you to put your studies first.
'Student Ambassadors, Student Mentors, Street Scientists and Jobs On Campus temps are all University-organised work opportunities. Roles involve helping around campus and promoting the Uni or higher education, among many other things. The Uni offers manageable hours, with certain jobs allowing you to be flexible with the hours you choose on a weekly basis.
'A lot of us are concerned about our student bank balance, but you can manage having a part-time job alongside your studies to help ease the financial pressure.
'I have two part-time jobs to help cover costs of living (plus it looks great on the CV – always a bonus)!'
Rebecca, Media & Public Relations
'I have worked in many roles with the University to help earn a little extra money, all of which are available to all students at Newcastle University.
'My newest venture is working for the University as a summer Intern for the Accommodation Service to improve social media for incoming first-years. This 10-week placement will allow me to enter the world of work properly before even leaving University with my degree in hand. This is another fantastic benefit of further education.'
Alex, Philosophy
Starting a business
'I have been inspired by one of my current modules on my course which focuses on operations strategy and management. With this in mind, I am considering setting up a gym clothing business and I feel very equipped to do so because of all of the hands-on knowledge I have gained this year.
'I feel very fortunate as Newcastle University Careers Service also provides lots of help to students who are thinking about starting up a business. So, if you have any ideas that you’d like to chat about with an adviser, I’d certainly recommend that you give them a visit.'
Josh, Business Management
'Don’t want to work for anyone when you graduate? Have an idea for a business? Newcastle University can help you with your idea.
'From start to finish, they’ll offer you guidance and support with their START UP programme.
Louis, English Literature
Teetotal activities
'Newcastle is famous for its diverse nightlife, so when your idea of a perfect night is putting a film on with good food and good company, the city can seem more than a little bit daunting.
'I fall squarely into this category; I had never stepped inside a club when I got confirmation that I would be attending Newcastle University and I was a little worried that I wouldn’t fit in. But I couldn’t have been more wrong!
From the Tyneside Cinema, to The Stand Comedy Club and lots of coffee hot spots, there are so many other things to do - and doing them will help you find like-minded people who want to join in for your wild nights in.
'Don’t think that nights out in clubs are off-limits either – go and have a good time doing what you like!'
Bethany, Architecture
'Newcastle is known for being a good’un for a night out, but there are also so many other things to do here!
'It’s an absolutely stunning city with something for everyone - whether you love restaurants, shopping, music, sightseeing or little jaunts to the beach for fish and chips!
'Don’t rule out universities due to their stereotypical reputation; there’s often so much more beneath.'
Cat, Combined Honours (English Language & Sociology)
'I think the societies are some of the best things about university.
'Gone forever are the days when you had to be sporty to join in with extracurricular activities. Instead, welcome to a whole new world at university where there is something for everyone!
'Societies are often incredibly welcoming and are happy to take on beginners in a skill, or beginners in the sense they have never done an activity formally before. University provides you with the perfect opportunity to try something new and give it a go, so don’t shy away from that challenge.
'The best piece of advice anyone can follow is to actually join a society. It's surprising how many societies there are in university.'
Lydia, Combined Honours (English & French)
'If you have an interest or hobby, find the club or society for it. If not, make a new one! It’s far better for your CV to boast feats such as ‘founder of the Baking Society’ alongside your 2:1 in Biology than merely a first-class degree and no other colour or excitement to show for your three years at university.'
Jessie, Psychology
Media experience
'The glamorous world of journalism: exclusive interviews, flashing cameras and the thrill of getting published. But how to get there and where to start?
'Newcastle University has thriving media platforms, which always welcome new contributors: The Courier, Newcastle Student Radio (NSR) and Newcastle University Television (NUTV).
'Once you’re a part of it, you belong to a big family that shares your interests. Student media is as much about getting experience as it’s about meeting new, fascinating people."
Valentina, Media & Communications
'Writing for The Courier has been both rewarding and slightly stressful. Seeing my name in print and having people discuss my articles made me self-conscious in a productive way.
'I took the opportunity to write about things I’d never discussed before. The writing is a welcome change from academic texts.
'Hopefully, I’m going to write a weekly column from next semester which will challenge me (and my sense of humour). The Courier is not just an ordinary uni newspaper, it’s definitely a companion to student life here in Newcastle.'
Sakura, Biomedical Sciences
'Newcastle deserves credit for how condensed the city is. The sheer number of restaurants, bars and shops that are packed in among two universities is astounding.
Whether you’re having lunch by the River Tyne or a lecture in the Percy Building, you are only a stone's throw away from the city centre and being a student. That’s what you and your loan will be looking for.'
Jessica, English Language
'Newcastle is widely acknowledged as one of the best student cities in the UK. However, it’s not just the famed nightlife or top-quality education that put it above the rest; the 'Toon' also has an excellent transport system.
While the Metro is useful for getting to lectures or nipping into town, it can also take you much further afield; perfect for clearing your head after too many hours in the Robinson Library. An All Zone Day Ticket will only set you back £5.90, and will get you all the way to Sunderland, Whitley Bay and even Newcastle Airport.'
Zoe, Film Practices
*(Price correct at February, 2025)
'Once you’ve made it to Newcastle there are so many places for you to visit in the North East, most of which are accessible by public transport.
'Just 90 minutes away on the train, Edinburgh has many places for you to visit - from Arthur’s Seat, to Edinburgh Castle, Edinburgh Zoo and the Hard Rock Cafe, you’re sure to find something to do there!
'Durham is just 15 minutes away on the train and is a beautiful, historic place to visit. Don’t forget to visit the castle and the cathedral while you’re there - especially if you want to visit a Harry Potter film location!'
Hannah, Marine Technology
Find out more:
- Discover more top places to explore in Newcastle
- Read why you should choose Newcastle University

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