
Choosing A Level subjects - what you need to know

5 February 2025 | By: Judith Charlton | 3 min read
Student looking confused surrounded by books

Choosing your A Level subjects is the next step in shaping your future, but what if you don’t know what that future looks like?

Many students at this stage in their education don’t know what they want to do after school – whether or not they want to go on to university, or what sort of career they’d like – so, it can be tough selecting the subjects they might need.

If that sounds like you, don’t panic. Instead, read on for top tips and practical advice about choosing the best – and most useful – A Level subjects to prepare you for whatever happens next.


What subjects are you good at?

A good place to start is to think about the subjects you’re studying now; what you’re best at and which ones you’re predicted to get the best grades in.

Chances are the subjects you’re best at will also be the ones you enjoy the most – and that’s important, too.

A Levels will be a lot tougher than GCSEs; you’ll be immersed in them for two years and your teachers will expect a higher level of independent work. You’ll do better in a subject you’re interested in and enjoy, so bear this in mind.

Do some research into the modules you’ll be taking at A Level for a clear idea of what you’ll be studying. Just because you’re enjoying the subject at GCSE level doesn’t always mean you’ll like it at A Level – it could be really different.

If you’re still undecided, talk to your teachers or a careers adviser. They’ll help you take an objective look at your skills and abilities and how they match up with different subjects.

What are the most useful A Level subjects?

If you’re unsure about what you want to do after school, keep your options open by choosing ‘facilitating subjects’ to study at A Level.

These facilitating subjects, such as maths, English, modern languages, history, and the three sciences – biology, chemistry and physics – will give you a strong foundation for various career paths.

They’re also the A Level subjects you’ll often see in university entry requirements, giving you the best chance of applying to a huge range of degree programmes.

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Choosing 'facilitating' subjects to study at A Level will keep your options open.

What are the best A Levels for university?

Depending on the degree and the university you want to apply to, it can be important to choose certain A Levels and sometimes even certain combinations of A Levels.

Humanities and social sciences degrees: humanities are a broad field that includes the study of language, literature, art, and culture. Social sciences explore human behaviour, societies, and relationships, and include degrees such as psychology, sociology, politics, and economics.

As a very rough guide, choosing core subjects such as maths, English literature, physics, biology, chemistry, geography, history, and modern languages will prepare you for a wide range of humanities and social sciences degrees.

But that doesn’t mean other A Level subjects aren’t relevant or acceptable to universities, so don’t be put off taking them! Just make sure the subjects you do choose meet the entry requirements of the degree you’re interested in.

Science and maths degrees: science and maths degrees can have stricter requirements. Not surprisingly, core subjects are biology, chemistry, physics, maths (and sometimes further maths and psychology), with some universities requiring up to two core science A Levels.

What are the worst A level subjects for university?

Some universities do have lists of ‘non-preferred’ subjects. These tend to be subjects they regard as being poor academic preparation for degree-level study.

They might also prefer a broader range of A Levels, rather than subjects that are similar – for example business studies and economics.

Again, if you’ve got a degree in mind, there’s really just one golden rule: check university entry requirements first.

How many A Levels should you take for university?

You can take up to five A Levels, but most students study three – taking more won’t put you in a stronger position when applying to university.

Since most universities only ask for three A Levels, it’s far more important to get three really strong grades than four, of even five, poorer ones.

If you do have a burning desire to take more than three subjects at A Level, make sure you can cope with the workload. Talk honestly to your teachers and family about your academic ability to deal with additional subjects and the extra pressure this will put you under.

How to choose A Levels for your career

A Levels don’t just lead to university study after school, they can also open the door to apprenticeships, career-related training and work.

If you already know who you want to be, look for subjects that will help you get there. Check out job profiles in the career you’re interested in – they’ll show you the qualifications employers and training providers expect from applicants.

They’ll also give you further insight into the sort of work and training you’ll do in that field, helping you decide if it’s the right choice for you.

Mistakes to avoid when choosing A Level subjects

You’re trying to choose the best A Level subjects for YOU, so don’t pick the most popular ones, or choose subjects just because your friends are taking them. Focus on your interests and strengths and try to include at least one subject you’re passionate about – it’ll help keep you motivated during your studies.

Don’t choose a subject just because you think it’s going to be easy, or because you like the teacher.

Be honest with yourself about your academic abilities. By picking subjects you can excel at you’re giving yourself the best chance of achieving your dreams, whatever they may be.

What to do next

If you need more advice, ask for it. Speak to your teachers, careers advisers, older students and your family about your choices. Get their perspective on your abilities, subject demands and routes after school.

Keep thinking about how your A Level choices might line up with university study and/or potential career paths.

Focus on your GCSE studies. Developing good study habits and revision techniques now will set you up for your A Levels.

Getting good exam grades will be important, too, when applying to university. As well as needing at least five GCSEs, including English and maths, you may need specific GCSEs at certain grades for some degrees.

And lastly, don’t stress about your A Level choices. It can take time to decide what you want to do, but whatever subjects you choose there’s an adventure waiting for you.

Get more advice for your journey to university HERE


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