Newcastle University

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Studying an online Master's in Law

In this blog, find out how you can study a postgraduate Law degree online from the comfort of your own home. Flexibility in learning creates more space to work your studies around your lifestyle and gives you access to leaders in the field through virtual interactive sessions...

3 min read

Why it’s not too late to apply for a Postgraduate Masters course – A practical guide to applying

Not every student's journey to university is the same. Did you know that some universities will accept postgraduate applications (if there’s still places available) until just a few weeks before the course starts? Unlike the fixed undergraduate application timetable the postgraduate process is more...

2 min read

Finding postgraduate funding - top tips on searching and applying

Thinking of studying at postgraduate level this year? In our latest blog, we help you source the latest funding opportunities and cover our top tips for a winning application. Read on to find out more. Pursuing further study to achieve your career goals is exciting but navigating the funding and...

3 min read

What is a Postgraduate Degree?

Focused, challenging and intensive, postgraduate study can be hugely rewarding , and help you achieve your academic and career goals. Read on to find out all you need to know about postgraduate study. In this blog post, we will cover four types of postgraduate courses in detail - including the...

3 min read

What Master's can I get with a Psychology Degree?

So, you have graduated with an undergraduate psychology degree and you want to do a Master’s. Now what? At this juncture, you have the exciting opportunity to become a specialist or make the leap into a new discipline entirely. Often, the step from undergraduate to postgraduate means choosing a...

3 min read

Is it Better to get a Job or do a Master's?

As your undergraduate education comes to a close, don’t be surprised if emotions - and stress levels - are running high. Many students find themselves at a crossroads, confronted with the question: should I continue studying or take the leap into my professional career? The pressures of choosing...

2 min read

Should I do a Master’s Degree?

Not sure if studying a Master’s degree is right for you? Wondering if you’re ready to commit to further study and worried how you might finance it? Read on to find out about the different Masters’ courses that are available and how they can pave the way to new opportunities. What is a Master’s...

3 min read

How to prepare for a Masters after a break from university

Are you thinking about returning to university as a Masters student after a break? Discover our top tips for how to prepare for higher education… Returning to university after some time in employment, volunteering, or travelling is both a big decision and an exciting new beginning. You might...

3 min read

Coping with exam stress | How to relax before an exam

Exams are stressful and it’s natural to feel anxious about them – in fact a little stress can be the motivational nudge you need to do your best. But if you start to feel overwhelmed, there are things you can do to beat exam stress. Read on to find out how to stay cool, calm and collected both in...

4 min read