Charlotte Bale 8What are your main responsibilities in your placement role?

For the first 5 months I was a software developer- I developed web apps for the car’s PIVI dashboard. 

At present I am a UX designer for the Jaguar Land Rover mobile app. 

How did you find out about this placement opportunity?

I found out about this placement opportunity through an advertisement on Gradcracker.

Can you tell us about any help you received from Academic Tutors or the Careers Service while you were applying for placement opportunities?

The Careers Service helped me with some interview questions.

Are you enjoying your placement? Can you tell us a bit about some of your highlights to date?

Yes, I’ve enjoyed the business trips I have done across different sites, being able to stay over in hotels provided by the company and explore the different sites, such as the manufacturing sites. I’ve even done a Ride and Drive Land Rover off-road experience, as part of the undergraduate placement. I have also enjoyed testing the cars occasionally and seeing my work in action.

What is the most exciting thing you've done on placement so far?

The Ride and Drive off-road experience where all the undergraduates got to ride in and have a go at driving the Land Rover cars on an off-road trail.

Please can you give us an overview of what a typical day on placement has been like for you?

We work in an Agile scrum, so every morning starts off with a 15 minute stand-up morning. Then I will spend the day working on tickets (tasks) I have been assigned, attend any meetings that have been booked on my calendar, and if I am not busy, I will perhaps do some independent learning or I will shadow some of my other colleagues in the office.

How has your degree helped you to be successful on placement?

My degree has helped me to understand the fundamentals of computer science and having coding experience, particularly group projects, is useful as we work within teams.

Do you think this placement year will benefit your studies when you return next year?

Yes because I have a much better understanding of Agile now and I have used my skills in a more practical environment. I have applied my skills and knowledge to real-life scenarios and I have seen the progress of my work in action.

Do you feel that your placement with also equip you for life after University?

Yes as it’s given me a better understanding of the various opportunities and departments I can go into with my degree, most of which I wasn’t aware of before. From this, I have more clear aspirations and I know what modules I will need to take in my final year to deepen my knowledge of what areas I’d like to get into after my degree.

What advice would you give to students thinking about doing a placement year?

Apply early and to as many placements as possible, so you’re likely to get an offer or even multiple offers. Use the opportunity to try out as much as you can. Don’t spend the whole year doing the same task, ask to move around departments or do some shadowing to broaden your understanding of the business and the industry in general. You may also be surprised at what you enjoy doing.

Find out more about Charlotte's role