How Jack's PhD is working towards SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation

Introducing PhD candidate Jack Charnley whose research focuses on primary schools in East Delhi, India. Water is a big deal. Our bodies use water to maintain themselves, and good health is underpinned by access to clean water. Yet, 80% of the world’s population live in areas threatened by water...

2 min read

What Master's can I get with a Psychology Degree?

So, you have graduated with an undergraduate psychology degree and you want to do a Master’s. Now what? At this juncture, you have the exciting opportunity to become a specialist or make the leap into a new discipline entirely. Often, the step from undergraduate to postgraduate means choosing a...

3 min read

Why I chose to go back to university to do a Master's

Deciding to undertake a Master’s degree after three years of hard work as an undergraduate student can be an intimidating decision. However, it turned out to be the best decision I have ever made. I loved my Media, Communication and Cultural Studies degree at Newcastle University. Even with the...

3 min read

How to Balance Work, Life, and Postgraduate Study

When I decided to head back to university after taking a year out from studying, I felt worried about how I would settle back into student life. I hadn’t had to write an essay or attend classes in over a year, I didn’t know if the workload would be much bigger than at undergrad, and I was...

2 min read

What I Gave up and What I Gained by Going back to University for a Master's

My third year of university was exciting, terrifying, stressful, and existential. I’d studied a course I knew I didn’t want to pursue as a career, and I had no idea where to steer my life. It seemed like half my friends had bagged highly paid consulting/banking grad schemes, whilst I was stuck in a...

3 min read

Is it Better to get a Job or do a Master's?

As your undergraduate education comes to a close, don’t be surprised if emotions - and stress levels - are running high. Many students find themselves at a crossroads, confronted with the question: should I continue studying or take the leap into my professional career? The pressures of choosing...

2 min read

Should I do a Master’s Degree?

Not sure if studying a Master’s degree is right for you? Wondering if you’re ready to commit to further study and worried how you might finance it? Read on to find out about the different Masters’ courses that are available and how they can pave the way to new opportunities. What is a Master’s...

3 min read

How to prepare for a Masters after a break from university

Are you thinking about returning to university as a Masters student after a break? Discover our top tips for how to prepare for higher education… Returning to university after some time in employment, volunteering, or travelling is both a big decision and an exciting new beginning. You might...

3 min read

Why I chose to do a PhD midway through my career

If you have been working in a career for several years, studying at university for a postgraduate degree may not seem like the most attractive option - if not downright daunting. But if you’re aiming for a PhD in a topic that you love, which is what I decided to do, then it may be an opportunity...

3 min read

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