Can I do a Master's with a 2:2?

Many students might make the mistake of thinking getting a 2.2 means they can't do a Master's. However, this isn't always the case. If you've received a lower class degree and you're interested in postgraduate study, read our blog to find answers to your burning questions. It's natural to feel like...

3 min read

Undergraduate vs Postgraduate: What's the Difference?

If you're interested in studying a postgraduate degree but keen to know how it may differ from your undergraduate studies, look no further. In this blog post we've compared undergraduate vs postgraduate study and explored the key differences. Contents: What is an undergraduate degree? What is a...

4 min read

How are Master's degrees graded?

Whether you're interested in a Master's, already studying towards a Master's, or perhaps you're just curious - read our blog post on how Master's degrees are graded. When it comes to studying at postgraduate level, grading systems can vary based on the type of Master's you're studying, the country...

4 min read

This is how to write a personal statement for a Master's

In theory, a personal statement should be easy. But we understand how hard it is to put pen to paper. Read our latest blog by postgraduate student, Kristina, on how to write a personal statement when applying for your Master's. Contents What should I include in a postgraduate personal statement? 1....

5 min read

How to write a research proposal for a Master's dissertation

Unsure how to start your research proposal as part of your dissertation? Read below our top tips from Banking and Finance student, Nelly, on how to structure your proposal and make sure it's a strong, formative foundation to build your dissertation.

3 min read

Why I chose a research Master's

Read our blog by Master's student, Hannah, to find out why she chose to study an MRes degree. Applying to postgraduate programmes became one of the most confusing challenges I’d ever faced. Finding a programme that matched what I wanted, a price I could afford, and finish with a degree that would...

2 min read

Master's Funding: My Experience and Tips

Other than making sure your Master's application is as strong as possible, ensuring you have the funding you need is the next important stage. Read below the experience of one of our postgraduate students, Amy, and her top tips for applying for funding. When I decided to apply for a Master’s in...

3 min read

How to prepare for Postgraduate studies as a mature student

Deciding to take on postgraduate studies once you've already left university and started a career is never the easiest choice to make. As time wears on, things like employment and family become more important, and going back to university is lower down your list of priorities.

3 min read

What is a Postgraduate Degree?

Focused, challenging and intensive, postgraduate study can be hugely rewarding , and help you achieve your academic and career goals. Read on to find out all you need to know about postgraduate study. In this blog post, we will cover four types of postgraduate courses in detail - including the...

3 min read

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