Clearing 2024 explained

The Clearing route to university is getting more and more popular each year. Managed by the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS), Clearing is an opportunity for universities to fill course vacancies and for students to snap up one of those places.

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What to say during Clearing

Look, we get it. Clearing is daunting. But don’t see it as a ‘going out of business' sale. Clearing is actually a great opportunity to find your perfect university. During Clearing, you will have to call each university you’re interested in and have an informal chat about why you’d like to study...

3 min read

How long does Clearing take?

The wait until Results Day is long enough, without having to wait even longer to know if you’ve secured a place through Clearing. First things first, remember to stay calm. Not getting the results you need to secure your firm or insurance choice can feel scary. Similarly, if you're applying direct...

2 min read

What to do on Results Day and Clearing 2024

Is the thought of Results Day keeping you up at night? We know you might be feeling anxious about getting your results, so this step-by-step guide looks at what you need to do - whatever the outcome of your exams - so that Results Day becomes a day of new opportunities.

4 min read

How to reassure your child during Clearing | Clearing support

Thousands of students successfully apply to universities every year through Clearing, but how does it work and how can you support your child through this process? Contents: Who is eligible to use Clearing? What happens if my child doesn't get the grades they need? How to prepare for Results Day Be...

3 min read

How to stay calm during Clearing

There are probably few days that fill students with as much excitement, dread and anxiety as Results Day. But it is possible to step back and consider how you can make your Results Day - and specifically applying through Clearing - as calm and straightforward as possible. Below, we’ve listed just a...

2 min read

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